This document provides a high-level view of M32 Connect’s platform and associated modules. For a detailed view, you can refer to our knowledge center.
1. Revenues Module
This module is divided into four tabs to provide an analysis of a client’s digital properties revenues:
- Overview: a global overview of all advertising traffic and revenues on the network.
- Direct: breakdown of the direct revenues, excluding programmatic revenues generated by M32.
- Programmatic: displays M32 programmatic revenues.
- Unsold: unsold and house ads impressions.
Main impressions
- A “main impression” is an impression (sold or unsold) that was recorded and made by the Client’s Digital Property to the Client and/or M32’s ad server.
- The platform fees are based on the number of main impressions.
- The main impression is an impression which is the source of revenues reported on the platform.
- For example, Google Ad Manager and Slimcut are main impressions generators while Index header bidding is not.
- Client Monetization Sources
- Client programmatic monetization sources are connected to the platform.
- If the Client monetization sources are not connected, M32 will use an estimate provided by Google Ad Manager.
- The following monetization sources are considered standard:
- AppNexus, Google Ad Exchange, Index, OpenX, Smart, Verizon.
- M32 Monetization Sources
- M32 is using its monetization sources to generate revenues for the Client Digital Properties.
- M32 will include the Client Digital Properties in its channel/category programmatic deals.
- Note that no deal is targeting a single Digital Property, nor a single Client.
- If needed, the Client may contact the M32 Support team for the following tasks (fees may apply):
- Floor adjustment
- Exclusion/competitor list adjustment
- Custom deals setup
- The Client must provide M32 with a service account having full administrative privileges to its Google Ad Manager.
- M32 will only use its administrative access to collect the data required to render its services and only the required personnel will have access to that data.
- If the Client chooses the Client Monetization Sources, the required API access (with the right permissions level) must be provided.
- In order to provide some of the metrics available in the Revenues module (such as page views), the Client must implement an analytics pixel. (Refer to our knowledge center.)
- All monetization sources data is kept in the M32 infrastructure.
- We will keep the last two years of data. Older data will be removed.
2. Segment Module
This module is divided into four tabs to review analytics information and manage data segments associated to the digital properties:
- Overview: General analytics overview.
- List / Edit: List all the available data segments and allow some actions on them.
- Profile: Provide detailed information about a particular segment.
- Create: Allow the creation of new data segments.
- Data segments can be exported to Google Ad Manager platform, as well as the M32 monetization platform.
- The Client can control export targets.
Consent Management
- To use this module, clients must have a Consent Management Platform certified by IAB Europe on their digital properties.
3. Intell Module
This module is divided into three tabs and regroups the most advanced benchmarks and optimizations :
- Revenus: In the “Revenues” view, we focus on all the revenues KPIs to give you a better understanding of your asset’s position in comparison with your network, your cohort and finally, when applicable, to the market.
- Performance: Revenues are strongly influenced by the quality of an asset, the performance and the visibility of advertisements. The “Performance” module addresses these very important dimensions to better optimize the quality of the asset, the monetization performance and finally the user experience.
- Seasonality: Benchmarks are great to analyse a particular trend, but they can be different from month to month due to the seasonality effect. For example, the “Back to school” period can drive CPM up while the summer time can have the opposite effect. The “Seasonality” view addresses this complexity and brings context for a 12-month observation rather than a single one.
4. Campaign Module:
This module enables publishers to deliver locally targeted (geo-located and/or visitor-based) campaigns for its digital properties.
- M32 works with the client to define how the campaigns will be delivered.
- This configuration includes, for instance, the territory associated to the digital properties, the data segment to use, the volume of impressions per product, etc.
- Includes also the definition of the endpoints where the campaign creatives and the campaign details will be delivered.
- The Client is responsible for delivering the required material (creatives and campaign details) on the pre-established endpoints.
- M32 will notify the Client by email if the expected material is missing.
- If the material delivered does not respect the established specifications, M32 will address the issue with the client and charge hourly ad operations fees as necessary.
5. Security
- User access is controlled at the tab level.
- When creating a user account, you can define module permission and provide the associated tab access.
April 2021